As I enjoy working in the technical support and knowledge spaces, I thought it best to create the Support / Content Samples section with links to my examples. Unfortunately, much of the work has been lost since the IBM Rational channels and spaces have been deleted. Well, here’s to future creations!
Speaking of creation, I completed freeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web Design certification on August 7. It was satisfying to catch up with the latest HTML/CSS versions and put them into practice. It is also great to get a portfolio going. It has been several years since I worked with web development or content, and I did not have a solid creative outlet. The portfolio work and getting this website rolling again definitely helps fill that void.
I am introducing portfolio items in blog posts over the next week or so.
freeCodeCamp‘s training programs are impressive. I recommend checking them out if you are looking into new development technology. I already started on the next certification for “Algorithms and Data Structures” with JavaScript.